Our calculated focuses satisfy the greatest guidelines and are decisively set up in the most advantageous areas in the district. Our created conveyance network permits organizations to ship items across the USA, Australia and rest of the Europe.


We adjust to your requirements

Consistent capacity processes 24 hours per day, 100 percent variation to client needs. Experienced and proficient staff individuals guarantee top notch and effective strategies arrangements.


Deliveries, avg. per month


Outgoing orders, avg. per month


Number of customers


We plan and put resources into what’s in store

Remaining closely connected with the developing necessities of our clients, we apply present day process the executives innovation, capacity innovation, and another vehicle armada. With expanding productivity of cycles, we save our expenses and our clients’ assets.


Daily control and improvement

Atlantic Shipping Agencys is an ensured TAPA – 1 transporter. The Moved Resource Security Affiliation (TAPA) is a special gathering that unites worldwide makers, coordinated operations specialist co-ops, cargo forwarders, policing and different partners. The overall target of this discussion is to decrease the deficiency of global stockpile chains.

  • Statesk Freight meets the TAPA-1 endorsement adjusting to most elevated level prerequisites;
  • In the strategic chain, the organization’s staff is extraordinarily prepared to work at an expanded security level;
  • Vehicles are outfitted with exceptional security hardware and checked all day, every day.

Quality and environmental policy


Atlantic Shipping Agencys has carried out a guaranteed and ceaselessly checked on coordinated quality and natural administration framework – operations administrations set up: capacity, transportation, naming, bundling. This framework meets the necessities of global principles LST EN ISO 9001:2015 and LST EN ISO 14000:2015. Item wellbeing depends on the Peril Investigation and Basic Control Point (HACCP) framework.

In order to provide high quality and environmentally friendly 3PL logistics services to its customers:

  • The organization sets up current coordinated factors places in the decisively most advantageous areas in the three Baltic nations (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia);
  • Vehicle armada and stockroom gear are continually refreshed;
  • The organization utilizes current programming process control gear;
  • The organization utilizes experienced and proficient staff.

Our business principles:

  • Arrangement of complicated planned operations administrations to clients to augment the proficiency of the strategies chain;
  • Guaranteeing, improving and examining market needs for the 3PL planned operations bundle processes, to meet the steadily changing and different client assumptions;
  • Nonstop improvement of cycles by putting resources into planned operations foundation, present day gear and transport, and the most recent IT advances;
  • Preparing of representatives, guaranteeing their necessities and the climate helpful for their work;
  • Authorization and advancement of ecological insurance, execution of regulation and other acknowledged prerequisites;
  • Quality and ecological administration frameworks are worked on in the illumination of changes in the organization and the climate.