With a decent comprehension of business the board, we assume command over planned operations processes into our own hands, passing on you the artistic liberty to foster your business. We give operations and warehousing administrations in every single Baltic country. We have A-class mechanized and extract stockrooms in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn. We will move your merchandise considering the fundamental temperature systems and make a point to improve strategic as well as regulatory expenses.
4PL assistance works in much the same way to 3PL. The main contrast is that we will likewise buy merchandise from providers and carry them to our stockrooms under a three sided understanding, going about as purchaser and vender. All in all, we will back the progression of merchandise acquired by the client. You can pick a complex 4PL help bundle or a few required administrations. Every one of our administrations are recorded underneath.

Acquisition of

We finance the acquisition of merchandise based on a three sided understanding (for example we finance the progression of products brought by the client)


Adding stock

  • We bring all products from the customer or the customer’s clients
  • We deal with dumping and getting the products
  • All products are checked, gauged and arranged


  • We store merchandise in Class A stockrooms
  • You can pick long haul or transient stockpiling
  • We guarantee appropriate capacity states of items from – 18 °C to +20 °C

Administration of
products stored in

  • Organization of termination dates for all items
  • Stock control and the board


  • We pick orders
  • We pack orders
  • We plan orders for transportation

Preparation of
products for

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Management of

  • We illuminate the client about the got orders
  • We make solicitations for the sake of the client


Transportation of

  • We guarantee the right temperature for the item during transportation
  • We convey orders ready in the Baltic States to clients in the span of 24 hours of getting the request
  • We transport items 7 times each week