Opportunity to make, when
strategies arrangements are
shared with your accomplice

Knowing the intricate parts of the business, we assume control over all coordinated factors cycles and pass on you to do what you excel at – make and develop your business. We can give warehousing and coordinated factors administrations in every single Baltic country. We have A-class computerized stockrooms in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn, as well as extract distribution centers. We adjust to the temperature systems of individual items, and to expand the advantages for your business, we upgrade strategies and regulatory expenses, in this manner saving our own, yet in addition your cash.
You can pick a complex 3PL help bundle or a few required administrations. Every one of our administrations are recorded beneath.

Logistics supporting the require
product temperature

During the transportation of goods we ensure proper storage conditions in 
–18 oC, 0 oC, +6 oC ir +22 oC modes of temperature.



We give a decision to your business and proposition 3PL or individual administrations to assist with working on the proficiency
of coordinated operations processes.